
6 Foot Care Mistakes

“I really don’t pay much attention to my feet you know”, is often the refrain of many patients I see. “I give it a good scrub when I know I have a special occasion and my feet would be exposed. I also have a grater file, oh and a foot spa somewhere in the house. See… I have everything, I just don’t use it”. Upon seeing a podiatrist, you learn a number of things that can go wrong with your precious feet.

The scary part is, you can really mess up your feet just by doing the things you’re probably doing every day. Out of fear their feet would be beyond repair one day, some patients decide it’s time to start taking care of themselves.

  1. Seriously ditch the heels.

I don’t need to tell you how much heels will mess you up in the long run. Besides the possibility of obtaining a broken ankle, they can affect your circulation, and definitely screw you up long-term too. Depending on the size of your heel, and how often you wear them, your Achilles tendon gets shorter; it then becomes very difficult to wear flat shoes. 

You think your heels hurt now? They’ll get even worse as you get older. Fat pad atrophy is the breakdown of the fat that cushions the bones of your feet. When you wear heels, it can get destroyed. This is particularly bad because when you start losing cushioning, your favourite pair of shoes would feel less comfortable. The soles of the feet are the only places in your body where you want fat. When you lose that, you will have serious trouble with heels.

  1. Actually pay attention to your Pedicurist.

We all love to plug in our headphones and tune out as someone caresses our poor tired little feet. You should be able to relax, but keep an eye on your pedicurist. Make sure the facility uses sterile instruments, or just bring your own. You risk getting a fungal infection in your nails and skin, as well as infected ingrown toenails.

“Sterilised” doesn’t just mean the utensils have been soaked in a jar filled with bright blue liquid. Make sure you inquire about the process that’s in use. Ensure your nails aren’t getting cut too short, since not only are you traumatising the nail plate, but you’re also making yourself predisposed to getting more fungus.

  1. Believe it or not, your heels aren’t the sole culprit.

The biggest offender? Flats. The most damaging shoes are flats that offer zero support. If you’re buying shoes and you can fold them a few times, guess what? It helps you develop deformities and arthritis. For those who already are affected by these conditions, they will progress even faster. Instead, look for flats with structure and support.


  1. Your feet need some post-shower love too.

You moisturise your skin after a shower, so why not do the same for your feet? Use a moisturising cream at the bottom of your feet on a regular basis, and an antibacterial cream on any open cracks. Additionally, use hypoallergenic soap and make sure to dry the space between your toes post-shower, ocean, or pool. This is especially important if you have poor circulation in the area.

  1. You’re still wearing cheap shoes.

Those cheap heels you bought might not be doing you any favours. Both synthetic socks and liners make your feet sweat, and produce a lovely pungent aroma. Also, moisture isn’t great for your feet. Fungal organisms love a moist environment, and your feet will be the not-so-willing hosts.

  1. Your toes need some space.

Stay away from pointy-toe shoes and tight toe boxes. Seriously, your blister-free feet will thank you.

Overall, if you have been negligent, or simply unaware, note your omissions and try making the required modifications. It’s never too late to start, there will always be some gains along the way!


Your feet mirror your general health . . . cherish them!

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