
Travelling? Here are some foot care tips

So…you’re all excited about that trip? You check and double check all the things you packed. Typically, the thing most people want to take the least of, is footwear. The most that is considered  regarding feet, is a pedicure for them to look pretty. An itinerary is planned for shopping and sightseeing; however, no such provision for your footwear!

If the above sounds a bit familiar, you’re not alone. Millions of travellers head out on spring and summer getaways without thinking about the health of their feet, leading to soreness, exhaustion, swelling, blisters, ruined shoes, injuries and more. So save yourself the headache and foot ache, by keeping the following things in mind before, during, and after travel.

Before you go

One of the biggest vacation blunders is packing the wrong type of shoes, uncomfortable shoes, or only one pair. The result…a host of problems; observing the following would help:

  • Never pack brand new, unworn shoes. Since they haven’t been ‘broken in’, they could cause blisters, discomfort, and other unexpected foot issues.
  • Pack several shoe options, and never wear the same pair of shoes two days consecutively. This provides an alternative in the event of uncomfortable shoes.
  • Choose comfortable, cushioned shoes with good arch support. Your feet will thank you, if you spend most of your vacation in comfy shoes like sneakers. 
  • Pack a pair of flip-flops for use around the pool and in locker rooms; but use them sparingly. Though they can help avoid bacterial and viral infections in moist public areas, they’re not generally a very healthy footwear option.
  • Opt for shoes made from flexible, breathable materials.

Be prepared for unexpected  problems like blisters, splinters and cuts by bringing a first aid kit with you. It should contain bandages, blister pads or moleskin, a topical antibiotic, tweezers, and toenail clippers/ nippers.

Assess your Feet

If you have any foot pain, problems, or discomfort prior to your departure, be sure to get them checked out by a podiatrist or orthopaedic surgeon before leaving. Taking care of the problem pre-vacation will ensure the issues don’t worsen while you’re away. This step is especially important for travellers who have diabetes.

Prepare your Feet

Ensure a healthy start by properly trimming your toenails, scrubbing away calluses, and moisturising your feet. Some people find it helpful to have a professional pedicure and/or foot massage done prior to a vacation. Taking several long walks in the weeks and months before your trip, is useful too. Your feet will get accustomed to lengthy journeys required for a lot of sightseeing, and your most comfortable shoes would be determined.

Airport and Airplane

The listed tips will help you breeze through airport security and stay comfy on long flights:

  • Wear proper travel shoes – Long lines, unexpected mad dashes, and getting through airport security are annoying enough. Avoid additional discomfort and hassle by wearing comfortable shoes you can easily slip on and off.
  • Wear socks – It’s mandatory to remove your shoes while going through security at many airports; do wear socks, to prevent you from contracting athlete’s foot, plantar warts,and other communicable foot diseases. Bonus – If you choose compression socks, they could help ward off blood clots and foot swelling while on the plane.
  • Stretches and Exercise – Avoid foot swelling on long flights; spend a little time flexing and pointing your feet and toes, both before and during your flight. It also helps if you stand and walk around for a few minutes, at least once each hour for the duration of your flight. I try to get an aisle seat once possible, so I don’t have to disturb people.
  • Drink Water – Stay hydrated to keep your circulation strong, while helping to reduce swollen feet during travel. Bonus – Drinking plenty of fluids will force you to get up and walk to the restroom, which is good for your feet.
Sightseeing and the Beach

Most vacation-related foot issues like blisters and sunburns happen when you’re out and about, doing the following will ensure pain-free feet and maximum fun:

  • Wear Proper Footwear – Every activity calls for different footwear; be sure to wear proper shoes for whatever activity you’re engaging in. For example, light-weight, breathable, athletic shoes are probably the best option for general sightseeing in urban areas. Sturdy hiking boots might be better for walks through rough terrain, like rocky paths to waterfalls.
  • Watch your step – It’s easy to get caught up whilst sightseeing, but an unexpected step off a curb, or twist of an ankle can occur. You don’t need sprained ankles and other foot injuries; so pay attention to your steps.
Post Vacation Foot Care

Your fun on vacation may be over, but the fun of taking care of your feet never ends! Here are a few things to keep in mind when you return:

  • Assess your feet – Despite the advice given, it’s possible that some people might return home with blistered, callused feet. Meanwhile, you may want to seek podiatric care if you had any persistent foot pain on your getaway.
  • Have a Pedicure/Foot Massage – Your feet really take a beating during vacations, so extend the relaxing atmosphere of your travels by pampering yourself with a pedicure and/or foot massage when you return home. Both you and your worn out feet will deserve it!

Your feet mirror your general health . . . cherish them!

One thought on “Travelling? Here are some foot care tips

  1. I never realized just how good water can be for your circulation, which means that it will be able to help your feet get more blood! My wife is an avid hiker, and she is concerned that her feet are going to get hurt after a lot of hiking. I will be sure to tell my wife that drinking more water will help feet feel better!

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