
Protect Kids’ Feet on Vacation

July/August comes with long-awaited fun for kids of all ages, from sporting events, varied camps, playgrounds, pools, and beaches. While going barefoot and wearing flip flops is safe in some situations, it’s important to wear appropriate footwear for different activities. Podiatrists want you and your family to stay healthy while you enjoy yourselves.

When this time of year comes around, podiatrists begin to see certain types of foot problems in kids that weren’t prevalent earlier in the year. The call of the great outdoors is something we should welcome. We want to do everything we can to get kids away from their tablets and phone screens, to actually get some exercise. But we want them to enjoy it safely. Parents, make a point to show your kids some ways to protect their feet while playing outdoors. Help them avoid injuries by increasing their awareness; follow these tips to help ensure good foot health:

Foot Health Tips
  • Don’t forget the sunscreen As a parent, you know all about applying sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and staying out of the sun during the hottest times of the day. But, it’s easy to forget feet when you’re applying SPF lotion or spray. The skin on kids’ feet can burn just as easily as the rest of their bodies, especially during a day at the pool or the beach. Reapply sunscreen often, and remember the feet and ankles, too.
  • Limit time barefooted – Unprotected feet are vulnerable to puncture wounds from rocks and sticks, or even worse, nails, needles, or other dangerous litter. Bare feet can also pick up an infection, causing fungus or bacteria through any existing cuts or scrapes. Children with diabetes should never go barefoot.
Puncture Wound

Walking barefoot on the sand at the beach has many health benefits for kids and adults. Walking helps promote balance, coordination, and stamina; while walking barefoot on the sand provides extra resistance, that strengthens and stretches leg muscles with every step. Sand is also a natural exfoliant for dry skin. Be careful though not to step on shells or rocks that can cause puncture wounds. Barefooted walking should only be on the beach, however; even there  water shoes are best.

  • Pick an appropriate shoe for your activity – Sandals or flip-flops have their place. However,  teach your kids to change into sneakers while riding a bike, or doing a lot of running around to avoid foot sprains and strains. Remember, too, that kids can grow like weeds; so make sure they’re playing in a shoe that fits.
  •  Wear supportive shoes to play sports – Baseball, soccer, tennis, golf, and other summertime sports are more fun for kids when they have proper, supportive footwear. Investing in a good shoe that’s appropriate for each particular sport can prevent foot and ankle injuries. Shoes that are made for a particular sport, like soccer cleats, also provide traction on grass, turf, or sandy surfaces, so your child is less likely to slip and fall.
  • Stay safe on the playground – Keep little feet safe on the playground by making sure kids wear supportive, protective footwear. Flip flops and sandals may be good choices for the beach or pool, but they’re not the best option for the playground.

Sneakers are a better footwear selection for kids who are running, sliding, and swinging. Not only do sneakers keep feet and ankles more supported than flip flops or sandals, but they won’t fall off, or cause your child to trip over them while running. Spending time outside is a fantastic way for a kid to make memories.

On the other hand (or the other foot), it’s best to wear flip flops at the pool and public beach house bathrooms and showers, to help protect against athlete’s foot fungus and other germs.

Flip flops can protect against plantar warts that can come from direct contact with wet pool decks, or locker room showers. Flip flops can also help prevent puncture wounds from sharp stones or glass in gravel parking lots, or in the grass on the way back from the beach or pool.

Choose non-skid shoes for waterparks

 Waterparks can be fun for kids of all ages, but are also places to slip and easily twist an ankle. Protect little feet, and prevent falls with non-skid water shoes. Rubber soles are great for slippery, wet surfaces, and quick-drying material provides ventilation. Water shoes also offer support for kids’ feet, with extra cushioning and protective materials for little toes.

If the kids experience any problems, see your doctor or podiatrist… Happy Holidays!

Your feet mirror your general health . . . cherish them!

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