
My Carnival Feet

The season is in full swing, and for those who know me, or have been following the column for years, know I love soca and think that Carnival is the best time of the year. Though not a lot, I have mapped the one or two carnival events I plan to attend. With this plan, for many it is about the hair and outfit; for me, and should be for you too, the footwear is critical. This plan also needs to line up with the surfaces you would be standing on for your events.

For the seasoned feters and masqueraders, you know what you should be doing by now; however, the newbies would need some assistance. I invested in two pairs of 2-inch wedges recently, and took a long time to select them. The store owner of one Arima shoe store was God sent, cause I took forever to select the “right one”. She was patient and knowledgeable, all excellent qualities to assist in proper choices.

Shoe shopping should be done at the end of a day; I went after work.  You should walk around in the store, and make sure it is comfortable, in the varied regions I often highlight to patients. My standard refrain is…”if it doesn’t fit right in the store, it isn’t your shoe”! Don’t tell me about it stretching. Don’t think it is only the women I have fights with; but the men too, about appropriate footwear.

Make Your Feet Smile

Gyming, walking and running for exercise around the varied savannahs and Chancellor, are the order of the day at this time. As well,  are all the outdoor carnival aerobic burnouts, and Fay-Ann’s now popular fitness sessions. Do these things in moderation if you aren’t accustomed to the pace. Wear footwear geared to the discipline.

Female artistes sometimes wear wicked heels, it is all part of delighting and entertaining their audience. Don’t forget they will more than likely change footwear between sets or fetes. Certainly, they won’t wear the same footwear for each event. Changing up your footwear gives your feet the opportunity to relax and breathe.

Masqueraders new or old know the drill; proper footwear would determine if your feet are able for Carnival Tuesday. If poor decisions are made on Carnival Monday, it will certainly set the pace for what your Tuesday will entail. No sandals or flip flops; definitely no stilettos; as you would be wining, chipping and jumping all day for two days, with no support from the footwear. Make sure it isn’t too tight; corns and blisters can occur as a result. Let’s not get started on trauma to toenails or ingrown.

Yes… insoles or Arch Supports are essential. Even for the seasoned masquerader, it’s always good to have additional cushioned support…your feet would surely be happier for it. They help with the back, ball of the feet issues, heel problems, and even prevention of corns and calluses among other ailments. The flip flops and sandals are open and exposed to excessive dirt (bacteria), and severe trauma could be caused when stamped on, inevitable while playing mas.

Prevention Tips

Lost/ingrown toenails, blisters, corns & calluses, swollen/painful ankles, fungus, and sore muscles are the order of the day for some masqueraders, both first timers and seasoned ones. It’s a true, true saying that “you can’t play mas and fraid powder.” So therefore it all comes with the merriment. You can, however, try to prevent some of these things from happening if you follow these tips:

  • Lose the desired amount of pounds to take the added strain off the feet.
  • Pad areas that are prone to damage.
  • Don’t expose feet to the ground as bacteria could be contracted.
  • Purchase all glam gear (make up, accessories, shoes/boots and Monday wear) in advance, to avoid the last minute rush…excessive pressure to the feet.
Home Care

Rejuvenation is important; in fact, it’s an excellent way of getting the feet back; so try the following as needed:

  • Use a combination of a foot soak or Epsom salts and a few drops of peppermint oil, to soak the feet, for approximately 10-15 minutes in warm water.
  • Use a foot cream to moisture/massage the feet.
  • If swelling/poor circulation is occurring, elevate and apply heat or ice.

Home care tips could also be supplemented with professionally done pedicures and massages.

Pedicures and Massages

The importance of these cannot be overemphasised. Both contribute to relaxation, much needed at this point.


This will also take care of and ensure nails are properly cut, especially if you’re prone to ingrown toe nails. If you tend to have quick callous build-up, at least you would be in a better place. Any fungal infection, or sweaty, smelly feet? A therapeutic pedicure would be best, and advice would be given on how to proceed to keep it under control.


This varies according to your needs. Do you have circulatory problems, just plain tired feet, or back issues? An experienced therapist would be able to advise what is best suited to take you through.

Remember, if problems occur, check your GP or Podiatrist. Enjoy the festivities, don’t overdo with the drinking, try to be safe!


                              Your feet mirror your general health . . . cherish them!

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